Dear Darcy - They say things happen for a reason and that it is no coincidence when you cross paths with someone.  I believe both to be true.  At this point, you have graciously given me the opportunity to explore my continuing relationship with several family members who have passed on.  I have had readings previously and yours was unlike these in that your warmth, peaceful spirit, and wonderfully intuitive nature allowed me to connect with and resolve some lingering questions and issues.  This was incredibly liberating.  I left our meeting with a clearer understanding and sense of peace after many years of hurt feelings and grief.

You then allowed me the opportunity to explore my angels.  Long having sensed their presence and protection, it was a bit overwhelming to actually “see” several of them.  It provided a much clearer sense of their role(s) in my life.  The guided imagery you walked me through was incredible.  I left this meeting, odd as it may sound, feeling I was part of a team committed to making the most of the life God has granted me.  I cannot thank you enough for sharing your gifts with me.  Wonderful experiences that have made my life richer.

Susan R.

Maya Angelou

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

  • Working with Darcy has been tremendously impactful in my life. In addition to being a talented and gifted intuitive, I have gained so much connection to my own intuition. Her ability to provide the perfect amount of space, guidance, and support has helped me to have more access to my own inner knowing as well as more connection to my spiritual life.

    Ali C.

  • Darcy was able to relieve my pain for many hours. I felt more rested and more energetic. I deal with chronic pain and severe Eosinophilic asthma I had a sense of well-being for many days following I would advise anyone to seek her help!

    Marla W.

  • Hearing through you of my moms challenges and her expressed apology has brought me to a much more compassionate and peaceful place. I kept telling myself she was doing the best she could but after our time together I now know I can believe it! And I love that I can ask for her help and can take action and choose to be full of love and happiness not anger and judgement! I am free to be me! I do not have to believe what others think or say about me because I love me just the way I am!

    Patty K.

  • I had distance Reiki and sound healing with Darcy. What can I say? She is amazing! I received immediate stress relief and feel less blocked and more open to possibilities. My session with Darcy was a very positive experience and I highly recommend her services.

    Marisa R.